Monday, February 13, 2012

Fast Food Nation Chapter 4

Some of the legal issues that fast food franchises have been involved were inflated prices charged by suppliers, terminations and bankruptcies that seemed unfair.

Fast Food Nation Chapter 3

I dont think they are unionized by the fact that Fast Food restaurant's workers are mostly teenager, people that didn't graduate or imigrants that are willing to accept to work in any kind of condition, wether their being treat fear or not, because they need this job to be able to sustent their families. Even if they tried this get harder because this are big corporations with power, the power that the workers need to unionize.

Fast Food Nation Chapter 2

In my opinion fast food industry's marketing to children is a great idea, because they are pointing to the right direction, parents don't really have time to decide were they want to eat, kids are able to manipulate their parents, if you ask me if this is ethical i would say yeah is their company and they would do whatever it takes to bring money to the table. In this days targeting childrens is really commun, Mc.Donalds giving toys in their happy meals, and Burgerking, and others.

Fast Food Nation Chapter 1

Intro:This book explain how Fast Food have become really common for American people, and how is growing more and more.
What elements of the southern California "culture" contributed to ans encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?
I think imigration was one of the biggest elements that contribute to the development of fast food restaurant, with more people needing work for cheap, and people willing to pay for fast food.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Article 1)

1. This article is about age differences in relationships. Its about some parts of the world age does matter. Its also about what women and men believe.

2. The claim that the author makes is that there is no right or wrong answer on age differences in relationships.
3. Two Assertions:

- The answer really is a personal thing

-Sometimes there is a quite a different in the age

4) Retorical claim:The author uses ethos and pathos the most, this help him making his point, at the moment of explaining why in some circumstances age matter and in others it doesn't .

Article 2)

1. About:This article is about age and how it can matter, however the age that really matter is emotional age, because of the way it can create a big gap.

2. The claim:Does age really matter in a relationship, or is age more of a factor when it comes to love and compatibility?

3) Two Assertions:
Ages does not matter when it comes to two consenting adults making a conscious decision to be together, regardless of the reason why.
Relationship decision are now made as much for convenience and security.

4) The author uses pathos a lot to show emotion in his article.